Aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio.
It comes prebuilt for iOS in form of a framework that can be just dragged into a Xcode project to get going. This post will touch some basics of working with the aubio framework on iOS. Let’s walk through a simple beat detection task with aubio.
The first step is the easiest
import aubio
To detect beats, we need to create a tempo detector. You need to pass a method, the buffer size, hop size (number of frames between two consecutive runs. A good value is usually buffer size / 2) and the sample rate.
let tempo: COpaquePointer? = new_aubio_tempo()
It’s usually a good idea to ignore long silences. It has a method to do just that that accepts the pointer to the tempo detector and a float silence threshold in dB.
aubio_tempo_set_silence(tempo!, silenceThreshold)
In order to perform detection, we need either to feed raw data to the detector.
If you want to run this on a file, it’s easy using an aubio source:
let samples = new_fvec(512)
let source = new_aubio_source( "/path/to/file.wav", 0, 512)
let out = new_fvec(1)
var read : uint_t = 0
while true {
aubio_source_do(source, samples, &read )
aubio_tempo_do(tempo, samples, out)
if (fvec_get_sample(out, 0) != 0) {
let beat_time : Float = Float(total_frames) / Float(samplerate)
puts( String(format: "beat at %.2f", beat_time))
if (read < 512) {
But who wants to run on a file, it boring! aubio is optimized to even run the algorithms on real-time audio coming from the microphone. First step is to get raw data from the microphone. There’s a really nice gist to get this done.
Use this, but update the processMicrophoneBuffer
to feed the data to aubio:
func setupAubio(samplerate: UInt32) {
samples = new_fvec(sampleSize)
tempo = new_aubio_tempo("default", 1024, sampleSize, samplerate)
aubio_tempo_set_silence(tempo!, silenceThreshold)
func processMicrophoneBuffer(inputDataList : UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, frameCount : UInt32) {
guard let samples = samples, tempo = tempo else { return }
let out = new_fvec(2)
var sampleCount: UInt32 = 0
for i in 0..<(count/2) {
let x = Float(dataArray[i+i ]) // copy left channel sample
let y = Float(dataArray[i+i+1]) // copy right channel sample
fvec_set_sample(samples, x*x + y*y, sampleCount)
sampleCount += 1
if sampleCount == sampleSize || i == count/2-1 {
aubio_tempo_do(onset, samples, out)
if (fvec_get_sample(out, 0) != 0) {
// Yay! A BEAT!!!
sampleCount = 0
func stopRecording() {
if let tempo = tempo, samples = samples {
self.tempo = nil
self.samples = nil
Note: Make sure you clean up the pointers in stopRecording
to avoid memory leaks.