All Posts tagged as "rails"

Database Performance Optimization and Scaling in Rails

Web applications usually rely heavily on databases, for the most part. And as applications grow, databases grow too. We keep scaling web servers and background workers to keep up with the heavy load. But eventually, the database needs to keep up with all the new connections from these processes.


State Machines in Ruby: An Introduction

A state machine can hold all possible states of something and the allowed transitions between these states. For example, the state machine for a door would have only two states (open and closed) and only two transitions (opening and closing).


What's new in Rails 7

Rails 7 was released on December 15. Basecamp, HEY, Github, and Shopify have all been running the Rails 7 alpha in production, so we can expect the release to be pretty stable. In this post, we will look at some of the biggest new features and changes that Rails 7 brings.


Authentication Using GraphQL Ruby

Handle authentication right from your GraphQL API using login and logout mutations.


Using Action Mailbox on Rails 6


Custom Rack Middleware for response compression


Use a custom job adapter in test


Better Background Jobs in Rails
